







Amendments on November 6, 2022

folder: Only yield every other SHA1 chunk read

Our reads are relatively small, so this will speed up calculation
without affecting other users/threads too heavily.
Also move around some lines of code that made more sense while
debugging the ZModem issue.
jcs made amendment 269 about 1 year ago

Amendments on October 3, 2022

folder: Don't free file_ids if it never had any ids

jcs made amendment 262 about 1 year ago

Amendments on August 14, 2022

logger: Add buffered logging, support logging without updating window

During telnet negotiation, many lines are logged in quick succession
which means we spend a lot of time updating the log TextEdit. Just
buffer these logs and spit them out all at once upon login or
disconnection, so the user's login prompt is immediately responsive.
Rename session_log to session_logf while I'm in here, to reflect that
it's a format-string function.
jcs made amendment 245 about 1 year ago

Amendments on August 3, 2022

folder: Fix some memory leaks, pass malloc notes to bile

jcs made amendment 233 about 1 year ago

Amendments on July 31, 2022

*: Add malloc annotations

jcs made amendment 226 about 1 year ago

Amendments on July 21, 2022

*: Use NewPtr instead of malloc, add malloc and free debugging

Instead of free(ptr), use xfree(&ptr) and after it calls
DisposePtr(ptr), it will update ptr to point at NULL to catch
When MALLOC_DEBUG is defined, each allocation is added to a
list, and removed when freed. If it's not in the list at free
time, it's a double-free. Also, instead of pointing pointers at
NULL, point them to a pre-defined block of zeroes and in the
idle loop, periodically check that this block is still zero. This
will also catch use-after-frees in a more reliable (but costly)
jcs made amendment 220 about 1 year ago

Amendments on July 19, 2022

*: Add session signoff view, remove session_output_template

All remaining uses of session_output_template can use session_printf
which still does {{B}} and {{/B}} parsing.
Change session_output_view to session_output_view_or_printf to make it
easier to print a view and fallback to a string, rather than having to
check the result of session_output_view everywhere.
jcs made amendment 218 about 1 year ago

Amendments on July 16, 2022

folder: Show filename in the prompt, fix column alignment

jcs made amendment 214 about 1 year ago

*: Move some big char buffers from the stack to the heap

Use FILENAME_MAX in place of 256 where appropriate.
jcs made amendment 209 about 1 year ago

Amendments on July 12, 2022

board+folder+mail: Trim trailing whitespace from fields

jcs made amendment 199 about 1 year ago

folder: Finally integrate with ZMODEM for downloads and uploads

jcs made amendment 194 about 1 year ago

Amendments on June 30, 2022

folder: Start on file storage

Has no actual transmission mechanism (XMODEM/ZMODEM) but it's a start.
jcs made amendment 178 about 1 year ago