





Amendments on February 3, 2022

repo: Exclude repo file itself when showing 'add file' dialog

jcs made amendment 61 over 2 years ago

rez: Release 3.2

jcs made amendment 62 over 2 years ago

LICENSE+README: Add these to the repo

jcs made amendment 63 over 2 years ago

Amendments on April 16, 2022

committer: Update file metadata on commit even if no text changes

When diffing each file, if there is no text change but a
size/mtime/ctime change that caused us to examine the file to begin
with, we should save that new data on commit so we don't have to
examine it again on the next commit.
jcs made amendment 64 over 2 years ago

diffreg: Fix D_PROTOTYPE usage

Look for a Mac-style newline here, not Unix
jcs made amendment 65 over 2 years ago

Amendments on June 2, 2022

bile: Sync with other projects

jcs made amendment 66 about 1 year ago

Amendments on June 3, 2022

bile_alloc: Replace bubble sort of objects in map

The map is always sorted, so we can avoid burning some CPU by not
iterating through the entire map every time. Find the first place
to stick the new object based on its position and shift everything
else up in one memmove.
Sped up bile regression tests by 16%
jcs made amendment 67 about 1 year ago

rez: Release 3.3

jcs made amendment 68 about 1 year ago

README: Add 3.3 changes

jcs made amendment 69 about 1 year ago

Amendments on June 7, 2022

diffreg: Open files as binary to get expected newline handling

Unbeknownst to me, THINK C's file stream library transparently
converts \r newlines to \n. By opening files as binary, this is
disabled and we get \r newlines as expected.
jcs made amendment 70 about 1 year ago

Amendments on June 14, 2022

Amendments on June 15, 2022

settings: Remove left over resource file switching in settings_save

Fixes crash
jcs made amendment 72 about 1 year ago

repo: Provide some progress during commit

jcs made amendment 74 about 1 year ago

util: Fix possible corruption/crash in progress()

Don't reset the port back to what we thought it was at the beginning
since it may have changed between progress("") and progress(NULL), and
SetPort with a bogus window might be what's causing crashes later
Also constify DITL definitions while we're here
jcs made amendment 75 about 1 year ago

main: Raise window when dragging, stop responding to activateEvt

Other minor cleanups made here while debugging crash issues
jcs made amendment 76 about 1 year ago

util: xGetStringAsChar: Properly release resource after use

jcs made amendment 77 about 1 year ago

rez: Release 3.4

jcs made amendment 79 about 1 year ago

repo: Limit filename length when creating temporary files

Files can be 31 characters long, so appending " (Amend tmp)" to a
long filename can put us over that limit. Work in a Str31 and put
our "[tmp] " and "[deleted] " labels at the beginning so we don't
end up overwriting the existing file if the filename is already 31
characters long.
Check error result of getpath calls as well.
jcs made amendment 80 about 1 year ago