







Amendments on November 22, 2021

Repo: Support file deletion, repo versioning and migration

I broke my own rule of always adding versions to things, so start
now and migrate all unversioned repos to version 2 which adds file
When a file is deleted, doing a diff of it will diff against a blank
file and then the file in the repo is marked as deleted. For now this
just draws the file with tildes in the file list, but a custom LDEF
will draw these as strucken through.
Also fix a few bugs along the way...
jcs made amendment 31 over 2 years ago

Amendments on November 11, 2021

committer: If there were no diffs, just close the window

jcs made amendment 29 over 2 years ago

main+committer: Respond to MultiFinder suspend/resume events

jcs made amendment 27 over 2 years ago

Amendments on October 29, 2021

browser+committer: Improve Edit menu ops, add Cut+Paste in committer

Keep track of which TextEdit control was last clicked in committer and
make Edit menu operations affect that one.
jcs made amendment 24 over 2 years ago

Amendments on October 23, 2021

committer: Try to release log TE hText after commit, not close

If we close the window without a commit, that might do something bad
jcs made amendment 17 over 2 years ago

Amendments on October 22, 2021

browser+committer: Enable TETab on all TextEdits

Fix some logic errors in UpdateScrollbarForTE
jcs made amendment 15 over 2 years ago

Amendments on October 19, 2021

browser: Fix diff viewing when already scrolled

The TE was not getting scrolled back up when changed, but doing this
is tricker than it should be to avoid excessive redraws
jcs made amendment 9 over 2 years ago

committer: Oops, fix previous

jcs made amendment 4 over 2 years ago

committer: Only commit files that differed

Otherwise we're including all selected files in every commit which makes the commit filtering not work well.
jcs made amendment 3 over 2 years ago

Initial import of Amend through Amend!

jcs made amendment 1 over 2 years ago