repo: Make repo_init a bit faster
Don't count the ids and then fetch every nth one, just fetch the ids
with bile_sorted_ids_by_type.
Avoid some zeroing of things we're just going to overwrite
Also make temporary filenames unique, in case a previous run died
during diff for some reason.
jcs made amendment 112 about 1 year ago
--- repo.c Mon Feb 6 10:30:32 2023
+++ repo.c Tue Mar 28 15:20:43 2023
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ repo_init(struct bile *bile, bool is_new)
size_t size;
char *data;
unsigned short i;
+ unsigned long *ids;
repo = xmalloczero(sizeof(struct repo), "repo");
repo->bile = bile;
@@ -114,31 +115,30 @@ repo_init(struct bile *bile, bool is_new)
/* fill in file info */
- repo->nfiles = bile_count_by_type(bile, REPO_FILE_RTYPE);
+ repo->nfiles = bile_sorted_ids_by_type(bile, REPO_FILE_RTYPE, &ids);
if (repo->nfiles) {
repo->files = xcalloc(repo->nfiles, sizeof(Ptr), "repo files");
for (i = 0; i < repo->nfiles; i++) {
if (i == 0 || i == repo->nfiles - 1 || ((i + 1) % 10) == 0)
progress("Loading file %d/%d...", i + 1, repo->nfiles);
- bob = bile_get_nth_of_type(bile, i, REPO_FILE_RTYPE);
- if (bob == NULL)
- panic("no %d file, but count said it should be there", i);
- size = bile_read_alloc(bile, REPO_FILE_RTYPE, bob->id, &data);
+ size = bile_read_alloc(bile, REPO_FILE_RTYPE, ids[i], &data);
if (size == 0)
- panic("failed fetching file %ld", bob->id);
- repo->files[i] = xmalloczero(sizeof(struct repo_file),
+ panic("failed fetching file %ld", ids[i]);
+ repo->files[i] = xmalloc(sizeof(struct repo_file),
"repo file");
- repo->files[i] = repo_parse_file(bob->id, (unsigned char *)data,
+ repo->files[i] = repo_parse_file(ids[i], (unsigned char *)data,
if (repo->files[i]->id >= repo->next_file_id)
repo->next_file_id = repo->files[i]->id + 1;
+ xfree(&ids);
+ repo_sort_files(repo);
- repo_sort_files(repo);
/* fill in amendment info */
- repo->namendments = bile_count_by_type(bile, REPO_AMENDMENT_RTYPE);
+ repo->namendments = bile_sorted_ids_by_type(bile, REPO_AMENDMENT_RTYPE,
+ &ids);
if (repo->namendments) {
repo->amendments = xcalloc(repo->namendments, sizeof(Ptr),
"repo amendments");
@@ -147,21 +147,17 @@ repo_init(struct bile *bile, bool is_new)
((i + 1) % 10) == 0)
progress("Loading amendment %d/%d...", i + 1,
- bob = bile_get_nth_of_type(bile, i, REPO_AMENDMENT_RTYPE);
- if (bob == NULL)
- panic("no %d amendment, but count said it should be there",
- i);
- size = bile_read_alloc(bile, REPO_AMENDMENT_RTYPE, bob->id,
+ size = bile_read_alloc(bile, REPO_AMENDMENT_RTYPE, ids[i],
if (size == 0)
- panic("failed fetching amendment %ld", bob->id);
- repo->amendments[i] = repo_parse_amendment(bob->id,
+ panic("failed fetching amendment %ld", ids[i]);
+ repo->amendments[i] = repo_parse_amendment(ids[i],
(unsigned char *)data, size);
if (repo->amendments[i]->id >= repo->next_amendment_id)
repo->next_amendment_id = repo->amendments[i]->id + 1;
+ xfree(&ids);
@@ -188,7 +184,8 @@ repo_close(struct repo *repo)
- xfree(&repo->amendments);
+ if (repo->amendments)
+ xfree(&repo->amendments);
for (i = 0; i < repo->nfiles; i++) {
file = repo->files[i];
@@ -197,7 +194,8 @@ repo_close(struct repo *repo)
- xfree(&repo->files);
+ if (repo->files)
+ xfree(&repo->files);
@@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ repo_parse_amendment(unsigned long id, unsigned char *
struct repo_amendment *amendment;
unsigned short len, i;
- amendment = xmalloczero(sizeof(struct repo_amendment),
+ amendment = xmalloc(sizeof(struct repo_amendment),
amendment->id = id;
@@ -729,8 +727,8 @@ repo_diff_file(struct repo *repo, struct repo_file *fi
short error, ret, frefnum, tofile_empty = 0;
/* write out old file */
- snprintf((char *)&fromfilename, sizeof(fromfilename), "[tmp] %s",
- file->filename);
+ snprintf((char *)&fromfilename, sizeof(fromfilename), "[%lu] %s",
+ Time, file->filename);
error = Create(fromfilename, repo->bile->vrefnum, file->creator,