Added Misc.c and Misc.h which contain helper functions that I made a long time ago that are used in the project; MacPlusArea sets up an centered, active 512x342 area; HideMyMenuBar and ShowMyMenuBar are self-explanatory.
Mu0n made amendment 3 over 2 years ago
--- Misc.c Tue Jan 19 15:19:45 2021
+++ Misc.c Tue Jan 19 15:19:45 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+/* Misc.c
+ */
+#include "Misc.h"
+/*------ InitMacStuff
+ Inits all the Toolbox managers
+ ---------*/
+void InitMacStuff(void)
+GetDateTime((unsigned long *)(&qd.randSeed));
+/*------ End of initMacStuff ------*/
+/*------ Hide Menu bar
+ 1) HideMyMenuBar(); Explicit use
+ 2) ShowMyMenuBar(); Explicit use
+ ----------*/
+void HideMyMenuBar(void)
+ {
+ Rect rcMBar;
+ short *setMBarHeight;
+ setMBarHeight=(short *)0x0BAA;
+ if ( gs_hrgnMBar == 0L) {
+ gs_dyMBar = GetMBarHeight();
+ *setMBarHeight=0;
+ rcMBar = qd.screenBits.bounds;
+ rcMBar.bottom = + gs_dyMBar;
+ gs_hrgnMBar = NewRgn();
+ RectRgn( gs_hrgnMBar, &rcMBar );
+ UnionRgn( GetGrayRgn(), gs_hrgnMBar, GetGrayRgn() );
+ PaintOne(nil,gs_hrgnMBar);
+ }
+ }
+void ShowMyMenuBar(void)
+ {
+ short *setMBarHeight;
+ setMBarHeight=(short *)0x0BAA;
+ if( gs_hrgnMBar) {
+ *setMBarHeight=gs_dyMBar;
+ DiffRgn(GetGrayRgn(), gs_hrgnMBar, GetGrayRgn());
+ DisposeRgn(gs_hrgnMBar);
+ gs_hrgnMBar=0L;
+ }
+ }
+ /*------- End of Hide Menu Bar -------*/
+/*--------- Ranged Random -----------*/
+unsigned short rangeRandom( unsigned short min, unsigned short max )
+/* the function will calculate the correct max and min values */
+ long range;
+ long randomNumber;
+ range = MAX(min,max) - MIN(min,max) + 1;
+ randomNumber=Random();
+ randomNumber=ABS(randomNumber);
+ return( (randomNumber * range)/kRandomUpperLimit+min);
+/*--------- End of Ranged Random -----------*/
+/* Mac Plus Area - creates a 512x342 screen centered in the middle, with correct
+Clip region. If the screen is larger than that, makes a border with borderPat as its
+pattern. */
+void MacPlusArea(Pattern borderPat, Pattern middlePat,Boolean wantMenus)
+WindowPtr window;
+Rect r;
+if(kScreenWidth <=512 && kScreenHeight <=342)
+ {
+ WholeScreen(middlePat,wantMenus);
+ }
+ {
+ if(wantMenus) window=NewWindow(nil,&r,nil,true,plainDBox,kMoveToFront,false,0);
+ else window=NewWindow(nil,&(qd.screenBits.bounds),nil,true,plainDBox,kMoveToFront,false,0);
+ SetPort(window);
+ FillRect(&(window->portRect), borderPat);
+ if(wantMenus) {
+ PortSize(512,362);
+ MovePortTo((kScreenWidth-512)/2,(kScreenHeight-342-kMenuBarHeight)/2);
+ }
+ else {
+ MovePortTo((kScreenWidth-512)/2,(kScreenHeight-342)/2);
+ PortSize(512,342);
+ }
+ ClipRect(&(window->portRect));
+ CLS(middlePat,wantMenus);
+ }
+WindowPtr ForceMacPlusScreen(Pattern thePat, Boolean wantMenus){
+WindowPtr window;
+Rect r;
+if(wantMenus) window=NewWindow(nil,&r,nil,true,plainDBox,kMoveToFront,false,0);
+else window=NewWindow(nil,&r,nil,true,plainDBox,kMoveToFront,false,0);
+FillRect(&(window->portRect), thePat);
+return window;
+/*--------- CLS ---------------*/
+void CLS(Pattern thePat, Boolean wantMenus)
+Rect r;
+WindowPtr window;
+if(wantMenus) FillRect(&r,thePat);
+else FillRect(&(window->portRect),thePat);
+/*--------- End of CLS --------*/
+/* WholeScreen - Will create a screen-sized featureless window filled with the pattern
+ of your choice. You are responsible to deal with any previous windows and ports
+ NOTE: use DisposeWindow to get rid of it */
+WindowPtr WholeScreen(Pattern thePat, Boolean wantMenus)
+WindowPtr window;
+Rect r;
+if(wantMenus) window=NewWindow(nil,&r,nil,true,plainDBox,kMoveToFront,false,0);
+else window=NewWindow(nil,&(qd.screenBits.bounds),nil,true,plainDBox,kMoveToFront,false,0);
+FillRect(&(window->portRect), thePat);
+return window;
+short OldLoadFile(SFTypeList myTypes)
+ {
+ SFReply reply; //GetFile reply
+ short openResult=0; //trails file number
+ long count; //used to read the data
+ Point where={50,50};//SFGetFile dialog location
+ SFGetFile(where,"\pSelect a file",0L,1,myTypes,0L,&reply);
+ if(reply.good) FSOpen(reply.fName,reply.vRefNum,&openResult);
+ return openResult;
+ }
+int GetScreenWidth(void)
+ {
+ return qd.screenBits.bounds.right-qd.screenBits.bounds.left;
+ }
+int GetScreenHeight(void)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+void PStringCat(Str255 a, Str255 b)
+ {
+ short len;
+ if((a[0]+b[0]) > 255) len = 255-a[0];
+ else len = b[0];
+ BlockMove(&(b[1]),&(a[a[0]+1]),len);
+ a[0] += len;
+ }
+void PStringCopy(Str255 a, Str255 b)
+ {
+ BlockMove(a,b,a[0]+1);
+ }
--- Misc.h Tue Jan 19 14:48:42 2021
+++ Misc.h Tue Jan 19 14:48:42 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Misc.h
+ */
+#ifndef __MISCH__
+#define __MISCH__
+#define kBaseResID 128
+#define kMoveToFront (WindowPtr)-1L
+#define kRandomUpperLimit 32768
+#define kScrollBarAdjust (16-1)
+#define kScrollBarWidth 16
+#define kScreenWidth (qd.screenBits.bounds.right-qd.screenBits.bounds.left)
+#define kScreenHeight (
+#define kMacPlusHeight 342
+#define kMacPlusWidth 512
+#define kMenuBarHeight 20
+#define MAX(A,B) (A>B?A:B)
+#define MIN(A,B) (A>B?B:A)
+#define SQUARE(A) A*A
+#define ABS(A) (A<0?-A:A)
+/*------ Constants -------*/
+/* Part 1: Used in menu bar hiding*/
+static short gs_dyMBar = 0;
+static RgnHandle gs_hrgnMBar = 0;
+/* Part 2: */
+/*------ End of Constants -------*/
+void InitMacStuff(void);
+void HideMyMenuBar(void);
+void ShowMyMenuBar(void);
+unsigned short rangeRandom( unsigned short min, unsigned short max );
+WindowPtr WholeScreen(Pattern thePat, Boolean wantMenus);
+void MacPlusArea(Pattern borderPat, Pattern middlePat, Boolean wantMenus);
+WindowPtr ForceMacPlusScreen(Pattern thePath, Boolean wantMenus);
+void CLS(Pattern thePat, Boolean wantMenus);
+short OldLoadFile(SFTypeList myTypes); // Must FSClose the short it returns when finished with the file
+int GetScreenWidth(void);
+int GetScreenHeight(void);
+void PStringCat(Str255 a, Str255 b);
+void PStringCopy(Str255 a, Str255 b);