First buggy version; didn't figure out proper string length, size and function that manages these as it scrolls up.
Mu0n made amendment 1 over 2 years ago
--- MovieCrawl.c Thu Aug 11 10:53:26 2022
+++ MovieCrawl.c Thu Aug 11 10:53:26 2022
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+void doCrawl(int i);
+void doCrawl(int i)
+ {
+ Str255 aString = "\pFirst line - let's check it out!";
+ TextMode(srcXor);
+ TextSize((int)(0.01f*(512*(i+1))));
+ MoveTo(200,512-i+1);
+ DrawString(aString);
+ MoveTo(200,512-i);
+ DrawString(aString);
+ }
+void main()
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ InitMacStuff();
+ HideMyMenuBar();
+ MacPlusArea(white, black, false);
+ while(!Button())
+ {
+ doCrawl(i);
+ i++;
+ if(i==512) i=0;
+ }
+ ShowMyMenuBar();
+ }