





Amendments on August 22, 2023

*: Re-import with some System 6 fixes

System 6 doesn't seem to support popupMenuProc, so kind of implement it
Since we're running in a DA we can't access screenBits.bounds, so create
CenterDialog to work around it by creating a new Grafport and checking its
size which will be the same as the screen. I got this tip from a 1988
Usenet post by Rich Siegel.
jcs made amendment 1 11 months ago

Amendments on September 8, 2023

window: Clamp found networks to tmpnets size

jcs made amendment 2 10 months ago

Amendments on September 21, 2023

scsi: Look for blue variant

jcs made amendment 3 10 months ago

Amendments on September 22, 2023

scsi: Put sub-command in cdb[1]

jcs made amendment 5 10 months ago

Amendments on October 20, 2023

util: Import from upstream

I'm copying more and more from this, so just take it wholesale
jcs made amendment 6 9 months ago

util: Add some DA-specific tweaks

jcs made amendment 7 9 months ago

about: Show picture

jcs made amendment 8 9 months ago

scsi: Check for BlueSCSI by doing a wifi info request

The firmware no longer has its product include "/Blue".
jcs made amendment 9 9 months ago

*: Bugfixes, mask password entry, add debug logger

Properly handle unassociated state switching to associated.
Maintain a separate list of menu networks to be able to redraw the
menu at any time.
jcs made amendment 10 9 months ago

Amendments on October 23, 2023

wi-fi.h: Define auth flag

jcs made amendment 12 9 months ago

Amendments on October 24, 2023

rez: Fix icon mask

jcs made amendment 14 9 months ago

main: Use vsnprintf now that we have util

jcs made amendment 15 9 months ago

*: Don't add our own about menu on System 7+, simplify dialog

The DA Handler on System 7+ creates its own "About (DA name)" menu
which draws its own dialog and the only customization we get is to
define a "dast" string which it will draw in the dialog. To avoid
confusion having two about screens, on System 7+ just defer to this
On System 6, continue adding our own "Wi-Fi" menu as expected from a
DA, and then draw our custom about dialog.
Technically there is a way to do this on System 7 by clearing the
menu bar and adding our own Apple/File/Edit menus, but then there's
another problem of a DA can only get events from one menu. To work
around /that/, one must diddle the "MBarEnable" global and then reset
it each time the DA's window becomes deactivated. This becomes kind
of brittle, so don't bother with all of it just for a custom about
screen. MacTech 07.07 explains how to do this.
So for now, only cool System 6 users get to see Carl's sweet face.
jcs made amendment 17 9 months ago


jcs made amendment 18 9 months ago

main: Do a periodic scan every 30 seconds to update SSID list

Also some logger tweaks
jcs made amendment 19 9 months ago