







(View History)

jcs   GUIDE+README: Final 4.0 changes Latest amendment: 594 on 2024-02-19

1 Subtext: a multi-user BBS server for Macintosh
2 Written by joshua stein <> -
4 Subtext is free software; see the LICENSE file for copyright/licensing.
6 Introduction
7 ==================================================================
8 Subtext is a multi-user BBS server that is developed and runs on Macintosh
9 System 6 and above. It supports dialin access through a serial modem and
10 Telnet access through MacTCP.
12 Features
13 ==================================================================
14 - Multithreaded, multi-user BBS server that runs on System 6+
15 - Telnet support through MacTCP
16 - Direct serial modem support (no Communications Toolbox)
17 - Multiple threaded message boards
18 - FTN (FidoNet) EchoMail and NetMail support with Binkp hub synching
19 - Multi-user interactive chat
20 - Private messaging/mail
21 - File uploading and downloading with ZMODEM support
22 - Integrated ANSI-capable local console
23 - Local log window with smart screen blanking
24 - Remote syslog (RFC3164) support
25 - Secure user password storage with SHA256
26 - View/menu templates with variable expansion
27 - Configurable main menu key shortcuts
28 - Telnet brute-force IP banning by sending messages to a firewall host
29 - Offline IP geolocation database support for connecting telnet IPs
31 Setup
32 ==================================================================
33 Most of the administration is done through the BBS itself, by logging in as
34 a sysop and accessing the sysop menu. BBS settings, file areas, message
35 boards, and user accounts can all be modified through this menu.
37 Editing view tepmlates is done by editing plaintext files in the "views"
38 directory created where the BBS database lives.
40 When first run, Subtext will ask to open an existing BBS database. Clicking
41 Cancel will prompt to save a new database. On subsequent runs, Subtext
42 will automatically try to open the last database that it successfully opened
43 unless the Command key is held down at startup.
45 When creating a new database, Subtext will create a default sysop user
46 with the username "sysop" and password "p4ssw0rd". It will also fill in
47 some defaults such as an example BBS name and hostname.
49 On launch, Subtext will open its logger window and initialize its connection
50 methods, which are only the console by default. Clicking the BBS menu and
51 then Open Console will open a sysop session. Pressing ! will access the
52 Sysop menu, and then S will enter the BBS Settings menu.
54 To enable dialin access, change the Modem Port setting to 1 for the modem
55 port or 2 for the printer port depending on where the modem is connected.
56 An appropriate Modem Init String can also be configured, though it should
57 *not* be configured for Auto-Answer. The number of rings after which an
58 "ATA" is issued can be configured in the settings menu.
60 To enable Telnet access, set the Telnet Port to anything other than 0, such
61 as the standard telnet port of 23. Enabling Telnet requires MacTCP to be
62 installed and configured.
64 View Templates
65 ==================================================================
66 In the "views" directory automatically created where the BBS database
67 lives are a number of text files that are used throughout the BBS:
69 - issue.txt: Pre-login welcome screen ("issue" file)
70 - menu.txt: Main menu
71 - menu_options.txt: Menu commands, see Main Menu Configuration below
72 - no_free_nodes.txt: "No Free Nodes" message shown through telnet
73 - page_sysop.txt: Text shown before paging the sysop
74 - short_menu.txt: Short menu shown after user has seen the main menu
75 - signoff.txt: Session signoff
76 - signup.txt: Account signup text
78 After editing view text files, they must be reloaded through the BBS's
79 console menu option, or through the sysop menu when logged in.
81 Views support expansion of variables, which are put inside {{ and }}
82 characters, such as "You are connected to {{node}}." Supported variables:
84 - {{B}}
85 Enable bold attribute if the user's terminal supports ANSI (otherwise
86 it prints nothing).
87 - {{/B}}
88 Resets ANSI attributes (including bold) if the user's terminal supports
89 ANSI.
90 - {{#}}
91 Stops varible expansion for the rest of the template. Useful when
92 printing untrusted data (mostly used internally).
93 - {{center_XX}}
94 Print spaces of length equal to the user's terminal width minus XX, divided
95 by two. For example, if the user's terminal is 80 characters wide and the
96 variable {{center_50}} is used before a 50-character-wide menu line, 15
97 space characters will be printed. This is useful for centering a menu on
98 wide terminals but preventing empty space on narrower terminals.
99 - {{logged_in_time}}
100 The amount of time the user has been logged in (still usable in
101 signoff template), such as "7m20s".
102 - {{new_mail}}
103 If the user has any new, unread mail messages, the count such as
104 "(4 New)". Otherwise it is blank.
105 - {{node}}
106 The current node, such as "ttyt0".
107 - {{phone_number}}
108 The system's configured phone number, such as "(312) 555-1212".
109 - {{time}}
110 The current system time in 24-hour format, such as "23:59".
111 - {{timezone}}
112 The system's configured "Timezone (Abbrev)".
113 - {{username}}
114 The currently logged-in user's username, or "guest".
115 - {{"string"}}
116 Print the literal string "string". This is useful in conditionals.
118 Variable results can also be truncated or padded to a particular length,
119 which can be helpful when creating menus with columns. This is done with
120 the pipe character and the length, such as:
122 {{ username|10 }}
124 Conditionals are also supported with ternary operators "?" and ":" to print
125 something if the condition is true (or non-null), otherwise print something
126 else. The following conditionals are supported:
128 - user
129 True if the current user is logged in as a non-guest.
130 - sysop
131 True if the current user is a sysop.
133 For example, the following would print one string in menu if the user is
134 a sysop, otherwise it prints something else.
136 {{ sysop ? "Answer sysop page" : "Page the sysop" }}
138 Or when printing mail for the user:
140 {{ user ? new_mail : "Guests cannot access mail." }}
142 Main Menu Configuration
143 ==================================================================
144 In addition to creating a custom menu layout, it may be desirable to change
145 the mapping of keys to functions. This can be done by editing the
146 menu_options.txt file and then reloading it through the BBS. The mapping is
147 one action per line, with the Action, Menu Key, All Keys list, and Label,
148 separated by a colon. Blank lines and those starting with # are ignored.
150 When there is no custom Main Menu view defined, a list of options will be
151 programmatically generated by showing all menu options with a Menu Key
152 defined with the Menu Key and Label. Options with no Menu Key defined are
153 still accessible by any key in the All Keys field, but are not shown.
155 The default mapping is:
157 # Action:Menu Key:All Keys:Label
159 BOARD_SHOW_FIRST:B:Bb:Message Board
160 BOARD_SHOW_1::1:Message Board 1
161 BOARD_SHOW_2::2:Message Board 2
162 BOARD_SHOW_3::3:Message Board 3
163 BOARD_SHOW_4::4:Message Board 4
164 BOARD_SHOW_5::5:Message Board 5
165 BOARD_SHOW_6::6:Message Board 6
166 BOARD_SHOW_7::7:Message Board 7
167 BOARD_SHOW_8::8:Message Board 8
168 BOARD_SHOW_9::9:Message Board 9
169 BOARD_SHOW_10::10:Message Board 10
170 CHAT:C:Cc:Multi-User Chat
171 FILES_MENU:F:Ff:File Areas
172 GOODBYE:G:GgXx:Goodbye
173 RECENT_LOGINS:L:Ll:Recent Logins
174 MAIL_COMPOSE:N:Nn:Compose New Mail
175 MAIL_MENU:M:Mm:Private Mail {{ user ? new_mail : "" }}
176 MOTD:O:Oo:Message Of The Day
177 PAGE_SEND_OR_ANSWER:P:Pp:{{ sysop ? "Answer Page" : "Page Sysop" }}
178 SETTINGS_OR_SIGNUP:S:Ss:{{ user ? "Settings" : "Signup For Account" }}
179 WHOS_ONLINE:W:Ww:Who's Online
180 SHOW_MENU:?:?:List Menu Options
181 SYSOP_MENU::!:Sysop Menu
183 FTN (FidoNet) Support
184 ==================================================================
185 Subtext supports FTN EchoMail (distributed message boards) and NetMail
186 (relayed mail to a user at another node) by way of a Binkp hub.
187 Directly-delivered "CrashMail" is not supported. Subtext has a built-in
188 scanner/tosser with limited support for PKZIP archives of FTN packets.
190 To get started, configure the FTN Hub Binkp hostname, port, and password
191 settings. The network name, hub node address (e.g., "21:3/100"), local node
192 address, and packet passwords must also be set. This is enough to enable
193 NetMail, so users can send mail to a user@XX:X/XXX and have it delivered
194 through the hub. Likewise, any incoming NetMail for valid usernames are
195 delivered, or bounced to the Sysop.
197 To enable EchoMail areas, create local boards in the Sysop menu and set the
198 "FTN Area Name" field to match each desired area name exactly. Note that
199 once a board has its FTN area name set, it cannot be removed later due to
200 FTN boards using a different database structure than local, threaded boards.
202 Once Binkp polling is enabled, Subtext will attempt to login to the Binkp hub
203 at the configured interval and retrieve any packets sent from the hub, saving
204 them to the "binkp:inbox" directory. After fetching any outstanding files,
205 packets in the "binkp:outbox" directory are sent to the hub.
207 Packets (or PKZIP archives of packets) in the inbox are tossed and NetMail is
208 delivered. Any EchoMail packets for areas that match the FTN Area Name set
209 in a local board are imported. Packets that cannot be tossed properly are
210 moved to the "binkp:bad" directory. If the "FTN Hub Binkp Delete After
211 Processing" option is enabled, packets are moved to the "binkp:processed"
212 directory upon completion, which can be useful during testing. Otherwise,
213 processed packets are deleted.
215 To minimize latency, the Binkp poller will not start while there are any
216 users logged in. This means that NetMail messages sent locally will not be
217 sent out right away unless a Sysop manually triggers Binkp polling from the
218 Sysop menu. This comes into play when communicating back and forth with
219 an FTN AreaFix bot to configure which area messages should be delivered
220 through the Binkp hub.
222 Trusted Host
223 ==================================================================
224 While Subtext can handle direct TCP connections for Telnet, it will likely
225 be behind a firewall/trusted host. To limit brute-force login attempts,
226 Subtext has a hard-coded list of banned account names that most bots will
227 try in rapid succession, such as "root", "admin", etc. When a Telnet client
228 tries one of these usernames, Subtext can send a UDP packet to the trusted
229 host containing the IP to be banned (in dotted-quad plaintext format, such
230 as ""). The trusted host IP and port can be configured in the
231 Sysop menu. If either value is empty/zero, this functionality is disabled.
232 Since there is no authentication with this mechanism, ensure the trusted
233 host is only listening for UDP packets on the interface facing the Subtext
234 server!
236 Also during Telnet negotiation, if the IP of the connecting client matches
237 the trusted host's IP, Subtext will honor the "REMOTE_ADDR" value present
238 in the NEWENV variable list and use it as the client's connecting IP address
239 in logs. This is useful if the trusted host is acting as a web proxy and can
240 pass the IP of the web client through to Subtext over Telnet.
242 When transferring files to and from a host connecting through the trusted
243 host, Subtext will use its custom NoModem protocol instead of ZMODEM.
244 This makes it easier to implement file transfers through a web or other
245 custom frontend.
247 IP Geolocation
248 ==================================================================
249 When configured with the path of an appropriate IP geolocation database,
250 Subtext will use it to lookup connecting IPs. If a location is found, it will
251 be logged to the logger and stored in the session log, which will also make
252 it visible from the "who's online" and "recent logins' screens, so users can
253 see where other users are connecting from.
255 The format of this database is specified in the ipdb.c file. Free pre-built
256 databases generated from public IP geolocation data can be downloaded
257 from the Subtext website. These databases can be quite large (>40MB) and
258 may be updated frequently, so they are not distributed with Subtext.
260 Screen Blanking
261 ==================================================================
262 When running on compact Macs, it is recommended to enable Subtext's
263 screen blanking option to prevent the log window from burning into the
264 CRT. When the system is idle for a configured amount of time, it will blank
265 the entire screen for a configured amount of time, immediately unblanking
266 as soon as a new connection comes in, or when a key is pressed or a mouse
267 button is clicked. This is better than using a dedicated screen saver which
268 will not unblank after a period of time, and may be wasting CPU time
269 drawing flying toasters while Subtext needs to process user activity.
271 Run on Startup (System 6)
272 ==================================================================
273 To run Subtext when your Mac starts up, select the Subtext application in
274 Finder, then open the Special -> Set Startup... menu. Under "Upon startup,
275 automatically open:" select Subtext.